First when i saw ROBLOX Bloopers i had only 1 question:''What is ROBLOX?''.But then i saw video named ''Blockland:fun with portal gun.''.Then i had this question:''What is Blockland?''.And then:''ROBLOX vs Blockland this has to stop.''But now i have my own version to know which one is better.
ROBLOX vs Blockland
You meet people[Good]
You build what you can only imagine[Super]
You visit cool places[Super]
You can easy become popular there[Amazing]
You build what you can only imagine[Super]
You fly[Good]
Better veiw[Super]
You can change your nickname[Good]
Much lag[Critical]
Some people kill you when you don't want to fight[Angry]
You can get banned or kicked[Angry]
You need to buy full version[Critical]
You die there very easy[Critical]
Points:Pluses:Amazing[+10 pluses],Super[+5 pluses],Good[+1 pluses].
Points:Minuses:Critical[+10 minuses],Angry[+5 minuses].
Final:Blockland's pluses:Good-2,Super-2.
2Good+2Super=12 plus points.
ROBLOX's pluses:Amazing-1,Super-2,Good-1.
1Amazing+2Super+1Good=21 plus points.
Blockland's minuses:Critical-2.
2Critical=20 minus points.
ROBLOX's minuses:Critical-1,Angry-2.
1Critical+2Angry=20 minus points.
ROBLOX Blockland
Pluses:21 Pluses:12 Plus winner:ROBLOX
Minuses:20 Minuses:20 Minus winner:Nobody
Battle by godzilla9.